Saying “yes” to an internship changed me!

If you told me two years back that I would be interning at companies and launching my passion project (called With Passion), I would have laughed so hard! But out of boredom during the pandemic I did start applying to internships and then something even more unexpected happened … I got an internship and I love interning! 

I have been interning at WIT since 2022. Being an intern means you get paid and you get to be part of the WIT Community. This means I get access to a lot of things I could have only dreamed of. I have been lucky enough to connect with amazing founders, content creators, etc at WIT Hangouts. Not only this, there are amazing opportunities presented by Miss H for the WIT Community that are always exciting and give me deep insights into the “real world”.

Before being an intern, I enrolled in a WIT college-credit class and learned how to create my passion project and get it launched.Throughout the class, I slowly and steadily started using the 11 Tips for Doing WIT in my real life and it felt like I had a purpose in my life. I wasn't wasting precious time or living on edge; I was making the most of it. Using the WIT Tips kept me productive and on track. Now, here I am over a year later and sometimes I don’t realise how much I’ve done for myself or the community until I sit alone with my thoughts and reflect. Of course I experienced setbacks in my internship and entrepreneurial journey, which can be hard to handle, but I remind myself to celebrate my small wins and cheer the loudest on my failures and rejection. Every wrong turn leads me to the right one. WIT has helped me to develop a positive outlook.

One of the most important things that I learned when I joined this internship is “Get out of your comfort zone!

I could’ve easily not applied to the internship at WIT but applying was me taking a chance on me. It’s easy to wait for opportunities to come to you, but sometimes we need to look out for what we want and find ways to bring our dreams to reality. There is always room to create opportunities for yourself. Every step I am learning something new -  like how to write a proper email, build a network, or even build a business. 

So, if you’re struggling with stepping outside your comfort zone, I get it. It might be hard to get started but when you take a step, you’ll realise the power you hold. If you’ve been talking about something you want to do, make sure you do something today - you want your actions to align with your words. You might not be awesome at it right away, you might have to grind, hustle and get familiar with failure, but you can do it. You can take a step today on the path of success.

I’m still interning at WIT and I love how this internship has turned me into an entrepreneur, a founder and a better human with pure intentions and a focused mind. 

-By Khushi Gupta


Applying 10-10-10 Tip