How to K.I.S.S. when starting a business


by 1st year WIT Teen Tillie
Founder of Girls in their Power

When starting a business as a t(w)een it is very important to K.I.S.S which is the WIT Tip Keep It Super Simple! You might be wondering why do I have to keep it super simple and how? Well first off, it's important to K.I.S.S when starting a business because you could bite off more than you could chew. This could affect your business because you could end up promising something that you cannot do, or set too big of a goal. You don't want to promise something you can’t deliver because people may be counting on you and your lack of Showing Up (another WIT Tip) could make people lose trust in your business. When I started my first business Girls in their Power (instagram:Girls in their Power ), I didn’t K.I.S.S.. I wanted to help every girl who had divorced parents, but then I realized I needed to keep it super simple and set an age group. Some advantages for having a targeted audience are that you can filter your content for that certain age, and it will be easier for starting a business. 

Here are some examples of keeping it super simple

  1. If you want to solve homelessness don't start with a country or state, but somewhere small like a city or neighborhood

  2. If you want to start a fashion line, start with something such as a tee-shirt you can print out 10 designs and choose one or two to start! 

  3. If you want to help kids in hospital, instead of helping every kid maybe narrow it down to a certain hospital and sickness that you are passionate about. 


  1. Don't always think bigger is better 

  2. Don't promise anything that you're not 100% sure you can do 

  3. Always leave time for yourself.  If you are spending all day on your business it can get really stressful and irritating - take a break and go outside or do a craft or activity. 

I hope this helped you learn how to keep it super simple when starting a business as a t(w)een! Let me know how you K.I.S.S. in the comments below.


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